Friday, January 15, 2016

Peace from the True Source

Howard W. Hunter said, "As we search for the shore of safety and peace, whether we be individual women and men, families, communities, or nations, Christ is the only beacon on which we can ultimately rely. He is the one who said of his mission, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6.) …
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Matt. 11:28–29.). This peace shelters us from the worldly turmoil. The knowledge that God lives, that we are his children, and that he loves us soothes the troubled heart. The answer to the quest lies in faith in God and in his Son, Jesus Christ. This will bring peace to us now and in the eternity to follow.

In this world of confusion and rushing, temporal progress, we need to return to the simplicity of Christ. … We need to study the simple fundamentals of the truths taught by the Master and eliminate the controversial. Our faith in God needs to be real and not speculative. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ can be a dynamic, moving influence, and true acceptance gives us a meaningful, religious experience. One of the great strengths of the Mormon religion is this translation of belief into daily thinking and conduct. This replaces turmoil and confusion with peace and tranquility."

I'm so thankful for the peace that comes from the savior.  It's easy to be led away by the voices of the world.  If we turn to the savior and try to live as He lived, and have unwavering faith, we can find this peace even in the " midst of turmoil."

Monday, September 30, 2013

His Love

I am so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It has brought such joy, peace, and happiness into my life.  When I read or watch the news I feel sad and discouraged.  It's for this reason that I am starting this blog.  I want to share the message of the Gospel and hopefully bring peace, joy, and happiness into other people's lives as they learn about God's love for them, about Jesus Christ's atonement for us all, and about the plan of salvation.  This past weekend was the yearly broadcast for the Relief Society (women) in my church.  It is always great to hear the words of the leaders, apostles, and prophet that encourages, uplifts, and motivates me to want to be a better person.  President Monson talked about God's love for us and how it is always there no matter what we do.  We show our love to God by keeping His commandments, loving and serving others, and striving to be better each day.  Life is hard, and we all have individual trials and hardships we go through.  The Prophet promised that through prayer and scripture study we would be better able to endure these hardships and feel God's love for us.  I invite you to watch or listen to this broadcast. 

General Relief Society Broadcast September 2013

This coming weekend is General Conference.  It is held every six months, April and October.  They are my two favorite Sundays of the year!  We stay home, enjoy our traditional cinnamon/orange rolls, stay in our pajamas longer, and watch it broadcasted live on t.v. or the internet.  I love hearing the talks and being spiritually filled, as well as listening to them on the Mormon Channel app. throughout the six months in between. 

You can watch conference live this weekend here:

General Conference October 2013

I know that these men and women are called of God and speak for Him.  I also know that if I come prepared to listen with questions or problems I am going through, I will receive answers in their talks.  Their messages are beacons that will guide, direct, and inspire us as we navigate through this journey called life.